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Never really dead!
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:43 pm
by Tzeentch
Ah forums and old friends! With new and old handles. Like my own being taken from a chaos god despite me still being the same old, though lich-y, dragon I used to be in them olden days.
With also access to some really old stuff because photobucket still exists. Not sure if that is a good or a bad thing. :3
Re: Never really dead!
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:46 pm
by Amanda
Requesting permission.. OH TO HECK WITH THAT! -tackle glomp hug- You're still Nyx to me though, unless that is like a deadname that should be buried.. I will try my best to learn the new one though!
Re: Never really dead!
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:49 pm
by Tzeentch
XDD Nah I still go by Nyx in most places. It is what everyone knew me as so the name still sticks around. Most places nowadays, even on discord, I have Tzeentch as my handle. *Cuddles and pets the pink fiend.*
Had no idea the DH had been recreated and then revived! Until today anyway. Hehehe.
How you been you little loon?
Re: Never really dead!
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:53 pm
by Amanda
You know those rollercoasters they warn you about that can possibly cause you to faint or even heart failure? yea, somewhere on that.
We were hiding in Fatala's back room ( for a while after no longer having our own handle, but we never actually made a site.. XD So when my host got a hissifit, I ended up having to relocate and well. .pink domain Wynaut?
How about you??
Re: Never really dead!
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:01 pm
by Tzeentch
Pink fits everything when it come to you. X3
Rollercoasters sound about right. Topsy Turvey and all the debatably "fun" stuff that goes on. Mostly LIES. Lots of moving from place to place over the years, K-Mart is finally DEAD, got a decent job, and sorta kinda now own a place I've been living in. ouo
Grandmother is tired of the cold and moving so I now got her place with the roomie Fatala over there knows. >;3 I am also now mostly capable of driving. Only took me 35 years to finally be on the road.
Re: Never really dead!
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:07 pm
by Amanda
Oh congrats on getting your freedom! I still ride my bicycle into parked cars, shouldn't be on anything bigger. My auto-pilot is also still too strong that it's not a good idea.
I heard something about you and plushies? I JUST started a 'store' on faceboob. So far i've made 4 neopets and a brick.

Re: Never really dead!
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:14 pm
by Tzeentch
Yeee. I have recently become obsessed with making plushies Though as of the past week a certain game has enthralled me. It hadn't helped me being sick one of those days and I had no interest in sewing. I am a bad potato.
Got Noni moving out so even less time to sew so she has plenty of room to work. Below I can show two of the older Spyro I made. One was sold and the other went to a friend. And there is a Nightfury behind Spyro that has sold too. XD
And this is the, unstuffed, new head design for the dragons. Currently one of five new Spyro babbies.

Re: Never really dead!
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:20 pm
by Amanda
Awesooome. I should make an art board post with all my stuffies. it's a lot. XD
But you have a machine! I do all by hand as I cant properly control my machine yet

Re: Never really dead!
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:25 pm
by Tzeentch
I could do the same. XD Jus throw them all in rather than one by one. Had to separate the cotton candy dragon though. It is a cutie I proud of.
I do have a machine. It gets put through it's paces. I also just bought an embroidery machine too. That will be worked with after RetroGameCon is over with. With hopefully more money from the dragons and sea pancakes sold. To have more than I do but I don't is a sinner's sin.
Re: Never really dead!
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:28 pm
by Amanda
O___O major jealous!! I want an embroidery machine but I only just started I need to find a groove before I do big investments.